Hayley shows her she's also a werewolf by changing her eye color to a werewolf. In Long Way Back From Hell, Hayley with Marcel helps Elijah to find Klaus and Rebekah, prisoners of the newly resurrected witches and ends up to knock out and kidnap Celeste in hopes of breaking the werewolf curse. She tries to reason with him that if they tell the wolves and Jackson, they could have an army of super-wolves who would protect Hope at all costs. They go inside to see Hope sleeping, she asks Klaus if he wants her to wake up Hope. Hayley gives the tonic Freya made so he won't be possessed again by Dahlia and he drinks it. She stands up and puts the list in the back pockets of her jeans. In The Big Uneasy, Hayley is freaked out by a large number of werewolves that have come to witness her miracle pregnancy. Hayley gets a text message from Klaus telling her Elijah is not at Marcel's home; that he never made it there last night. Once she showed up at Tyler's house, Klaus immediately suspected Tyler's secrecy about Hayley was born of him cheating on Caroline with her. She then turns around to see Elijah standing behind her. She joins Elijah by the fireplace and tells him that he has to forgive himself, and he then kisses her passionately. Hayley then reveals to Klaus that the reason he has been unable to find Katherine all these centuries has been her ability to build and maintain a network of allies willing to do anything for her. Hayley asks why he has been avoiding her so it takes some supernatural threat to make him see her. Hayley grabs her knife and jumps on The Hollow, and she stabs the Hollow, repeatedly, seemingly killing her for good. Marcel and Hayley go into the church leaving Elijah behind. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Hayley attends a banquet with Klaus, Marcel and other vampires, at which Klaus orders the vampires to kill the werewolves in the bayou, her family, much to her protest. She goes to the balcony where Klaus is and tells him Elijah is hurting too. : 5ft 6in (1.72m) Weight : 56 kg Eye color : Hazelnut Hair color : To be updated Vincent says that Elijah needs to die so they can try and kill the hollow. In An Old Friend Calls, Hayley is at the compound looking at a piece of paper with a list of names on it. Hayley is still lashing out at the witches as they tried to kill her baby. He cryptically tells her that its far from over and that they are just the beginning. At the Abattoir Hayley finds the Hollow, she uses her magic to make Hayley drop her knife and fall to the ground in pain. Hayley watches Tyler and Caroline kiss, smiling slightly. Hayley gives Hope's hairbrush to Freya. She follows Jackson and asks him if he's going to a speech and drink all day, and talks about how they should get the wolves back together and wrote everything Ansel said about being a wolf. She tells Keelin she wants her venom and for Freya to wake up. During the Winter Wonderland charity event, Tyler tells Caroline that Hayley has found a powerful witch who can use a spell to transport Klaus into someone else's body. Hayley agrees but she tells him that Klaus is not to be trusted and that they should use his help now that he is still willing to give it. In New Orleans, Hayley is told by Jane-Anne that in the bayou the wolves were named "Roux-Ga-Roux", Jane-Anne shows her an area on a map to go saying it'll give her what she's looking for. She and Jackson move into an apartment across the street so that Hope's time with her parents can be divided. After Hollis gets done talking on the phone, he asks the two to turn it down a bit and tells her about Kayla McInnis. Freya tells Hayley that she can go into Elijah's mind, if her daughter Hope can help. She tells Elijah about the ritual between her and Jackson, then afterwards they start making out and have sex. After Rebekah leaves she then gets a text message from Klaus telling her that the Hollow is still out there, which shocks her. But, she doesn't want them to risk themselves any more than they already have and says she's grateful what they have offered, but she can't be their queen. When the lights are turned on again Hayley panics and calls for Elijah. Hayley mocks the pageant by donning the tiara intended for the winner. Hayley is currently the strongest non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid in the world especially since that she is now the only one in existence. Elijah finally realizes he hurt her and lets her go. Klaus assures her that the better punishment is sentencing Tyler to a lifetime of paranoia and fear. She is the first parent to be turned into a vampire/hybrid by her child. Klaus finds her at the feast and tells her that it's very bold of her to come to the feast on her own and he's impressed that she managed to find out what his deal with the werewolves is. Hayley's whereabouts were unknown until Vaughn, a hunter, reveals to Damon and Rebekah that Katherine got her information about Silas from Hayley when they crossed paths in New Orleans. Her unstoppable passion to find her biological family suggests an inner vulnerability that she often covers up with provocative or immature remarks and behavior. Hayley keeps up the ruse that there is something romantic going on between her and Tyler by sensually wiping alcohol from Tyler's lip, knowing Klaus is witnessing it. Rebekah is about to tear out Hayley's heart, but Klaus stops her. In You Hung the Moon, Hayley agrees to what Davina her to do, but without issuing a threat to the witch. Freya tells her it will considering she can feel the mystical energy. Hayley screams at Klaus demanding that he needs to back off. When she awakes she shows the ability to know where her baby is, even if she is hidden from her by a powerful spell. He reveals that his grandfather, Richard Xavier Dumas, killed her parents since they wanted to reunite their packs and find peace with Marcel, but he was hell-bent on raging with the vampires instead. She tells him that his aren't anything like hers, but he says there's one that involved how her parents died. She realizes Elijah turned Tristan and he asks what she thought of him. He then grabs her and she fights back, realizing that The Hollow is controlling her dream, she rips out Jackson's heart killing him, she finally wakes up still bound to a chair. Jackson yells at both her and Ansel to stop, and Ansel asks if he knows her, which he replies he does since she was supposed to be his wife. In Wild at Heart, Hayley chooses to stay at the abattoir because the ghost of her husband is Figuratively haunting her, she leaves the wooden Knight at her apartment. Hayley takes Keelin's body and runs. She tells him he's a great dad. Before a fight erupts, Oliver tells them not to and he says that he is guilty, he never lost what he was fighting for. She uses a tourniquet on one of the wolves, Eve asks her where she learned that. In I Hear You Knocking, she and Elijah go to the Bayou to visit Mary. Hayley possessed the standard powers and abilities of a non-Evolved werewolf. Hayley is next seen in the quarter, running across the road to the Jardin Gris in order to buy a herb. I don't feel peace i don't feel anything! She tells him that he's the threat since he has a thousand enemies and that he's so paranoid he can't see that the wedding could actually bring Hope to them. They let Klaus continue to believe this in order to distract him from the fact that they were systematically unsiring his hybrids from him. Rebekah says "us girls have to look out for each other". In Le Grand Guignol, Hayley holds Cleste captive in the bayou. Hayley tells Klaus that Elijah isn't answering his phone. Hayley finds out Eva has escaped and Vincent joined up with her, she, Marcel and Elijah wonder what to do next. Hayley and Klaus walk in the courtyard she tells him she's is going to say goodnight to Hope. She tells her she knows where her parents were killed and she wants her to do a reading. In They All Asked For You, Hayley agrees with Klaus that they need to send the wolves to find Finn and Freya. Hayley has displayed a capacity for being sympathetic to the struggles of others, most notably Davina and Cami, and gave them the advice and support that they needed at the time. Hope agrees to help, but Hayley tells her it's okay if she doesn't want to help. She discovered her pregnancy in New Orleans and because of her pregnancy she was used by the Deveraux sisters to build an alliance with the Original Family. She cups his face, looking at the wound on his cheekbone and she vamps out, feeding on him. Lara kills herself and dies in Hayley's arms. She cries and apologizes to him. When he asked a witch, Brynne Deveraux, possessed by Cleste Dubois to curse the Crescent Clan to stop them he spared Andrea to give her a better start in life. She is the first female character to get married on-screen. As Jackson has the whole pack gathered, Hayley appears and tells them she wants to hear what he has to say. After the attacks are over, Hayley tells him that the attacks are just going to get worse and they need to get married as soon as possible. Hayley and Freya see in a flashback Richard Xavier Dumas killing Hayley's parents while baby Hayley screams and cries. Hayley talks with Elijah. Later on, Hayley finds Jackson and Oliver talking but they stop as soon as they see her. In A Closer Walk With Thee, while she was investigating about Francesca Guerrera's involvement in the Bayou attack Hayley was hexed by Monique who wanted to kill her child. Hayley is the first hybrid to fall under the Crescent curse. He tells her Elijah should have told her how beautiful she looks instead of discussing the future of the city. She is a highly skilled manipulator with extremely questionable morals, she has proven she is willing to do anything to get what she wants (including betraying those she claims to care about); even at the expense of others' lives. Davina grabs Hayley's wrist and they vanish. It's complicated. In The River in Reverse, Hayley is seen to be taking care of a sick Elijah, who was bitten by Klaus in the previous episode. Mary shows her what a voodoo queen showed her and that the herb is used when magic is afoot. When Hayley is at Josephine's mansion with Gia and Elijah, she is uncomfortable and keeps clearing her throat, to which Gia goes to see if she can find Josephine. How Old Is Hayley Mills? Rebekah tells her that she is going to help her look for her "good brother", Elijah. Andrea was adopted by another family, and was renamed Hayley Marshall, unaware of her past and her werewolf gene. Hayley wants Jackson to help rescue Oliver, but he won't since he was working with the Guerreras and since the witches have him, he's dead anyways. Katherine tells Stefan and Damon that thanks to Hayley, she was what they needed to rid Klaus from their lives for good. He tells her that his family are all monsters and they've committed countless crimes in their past and present. They talk about Freya's feelings for Keelin and Hayley tells her she promises she will return to Keelin and she won't let anything happen to her. In order to protect her from the people that are trying to kill her, Hayley and Klaus decided it was better to send her away to Rebekah until the city was safe for her to return. He tells her it has to be a real marriage since the vows have to be honored and asks her if she's ready to have it for the rest of their lives. Hayley draws him back in by returning to what he said about his paintings and control, and tacitly offers him control with her. Hayley takes the knife and tells Freya it's time to go. Hayley, Aiden, Josh and Marcel are outlining their plan and Aiden tells them that Finn wants to meet up at Preservation Hall. She then comes across a campfire with dead bodies surrounding it. She refuses to leave his side as his hallucinations start to get the better of him. She tells the witch she needs "crushed aconite flower". After their talk both are concerned for Elijah's well being. This almost costs her when she faces Finn, and she only survives thanks to the intervention of Jackson. When Hope apologizes for what she had done to lead to her death, Hayley forgives her. She is an actress, known for Crescent City (2011), The Sad and Lonely Glow (2015) and The Kings of Yorktown (2012). As Hayley and Klaus go through her heirlooms. She walks in and looks around before discovering Lucien tied up and desiccated. In this flashback, Hayley was in her daughter's nursery where she wrote to her a letter. After Marcel is incapacitated by Papa Tunde's blade, Hayley and the Mikaelson Family run for their lives. To help with the cure. She learns that Jackson was from the same people like her parents but not from the same bloodline, and they wanted to make an arranged marriage between Hayley and Jackson. In that very moment, Elijah appears out of nowhere, punches Lucien and rescues Hayley, while Freya casted a spell which removed serum from Lucien's body, making him an ordinary vampire again. She was also a member of the Kenner Family through her marriage to Jackson Kenner and had ties to the Mikaelson Family and the North East Atlantic Pack via her daughter. She later walks down a street and she feels a hand touch her, to which she proceeds to swing her hand and hit Declan. In The Bloody Crown, she is in bed with Elijah and says despite everything they've done and lost, they're still here. This does nothing to persuade Hayley, as she's afraid of him and backs away. Hayley declares her hate for Klaus because she missed her baby's first steps, and removes the child from his custody, moving out with Jackson and her daughter. Hayley takes a drop of her baby's blood to complete her transition. He rips out Jackson's heart, killing him instantly. Freya suggests that she goes bite her brother, however, she tells them that each of them has the coordinates to Rebekah's location. When Tyler comes back, he finds Hayley has gone and Klaus tells him she left. Klaus immediately snaps forward and begins to choke her against the door. Hayley considers and tells him that since she's a hybrid, she can control her change and if the marriage works, then the wolves would get her power and not have to rely on the moonlight rings. When he tells her the relationship is dangerous being Tristan and Aurora, Hayley tells him that loyalty doesn't make people dangerous, and walks back into the apartment. Both of them move on in their own ways after Elijah forgets about Hayley. She tells Elijah she did terrible things to find her family and when she finally did, they were already dead. While the audience is informed that the baby will kill the witches in the future which puts a plan in motion to make that never happens. In order to keep a promise to herself and to her baby, she decided to give Hope temporarily to her Aunt Rebekah, to keep her safe. She tells him he chose him and married him. Freya tells her she covered two knives with Hope's blood. He reveals he's a Paxon and the others are from the others, such as Malraux, Deep Water, BasRoq, Barry and Poldark. Hope saves her by doing a spell which causes Elijah to stop. Hayley arrives at Kayla's trailer and embraces her, telling her since there's not much of a pack left, she might need someone to talk to. Hayley then picks up a photo of her and her parents. Jackson formulates a plan and makes Hayley choose between him and the Mikaelsons, Hayley chooses him and Hayley and Jackson try to run away with Hope to keep her safe from Dahlia. She tells them they need to get Hope back and that The Hollow is gonna have a gathering with her followers at St. Anne's church. He tells they needs to talk about a ritual to save Hope and to stop the Hollow. When Hayley hears the tune Dahlia is humming she becomes terrified. It was also to bring the series to its conclusion and shake things up a bit. However, Katherine sent Will to kill Hayley when she had stopped finding her useful. While Hope goes to the garden, she and Klaus talk about her and tells him he has a lot to live up to. Eve tells Hayley about how their pack was killed by Marcel and the surviving descendants were cursed to be in their werewolf forms for most of the time, and only turn into their human forms on the night of a full moon. Hayley unlocks the chains that bound Hope and her powers. She was first introduced in The Vampire Diaries as a werewolf who later on became a hybrid in The Originals. After Hayley gets Keelin's venom she takes a needle with the cure in it and stabs Freya with it. Hayley gives up on trying to talk to Hope and leaves. Elijah is unable to kill Aya, therefore Hayley stakes her and tells her that it is more mercy than Jackson ever got. Hayley's final words in her letter to her daughterI love you. She tells him they don't know how to stop the Hollow and they can't fight it. Elijah tries to convince Jackson and Oliver that their alliance with Klaus is a great mistake. Hayley left a voicemail for Elijah and told him she no longer wanted her daughter to be a Mikaelson. Hayley is excited and plans on recovering as many of the turned werewolves in the Bayou as she can find and turn them back. Both gave birth to a baby girl in hard conditions and their respective child was taken away from them (for Katherine it was her father who took Nadia, while Hayley was killed while the New Orleans Witches took Hope, who she later took back, but sent her to live away from New Orleans with Rebekah). In Ashes to Ashes, Elijah is waiting at Hayley's old shack in the Bayou and sees her naked and slightly dirty. She then walks past him and retrieves Hope. Elijah knows they are over and their relationship was doomed. The lead vampire tells her she might be strong but she is outnumbered. And the witches that tried to kill my babythey're worth nothing more than food.Hayley. She threatens to kill him if he tries anything but he's the one with the upper hand. Jackson and Hayley get married in the compound and Jackson moves in with Hayley to live there with her and his new stepdaughter. In Keepers of the House, Hayley carries an unconscious Hope into the courtyard of the Abattoir. Hayley was human for only five hours once a month under the full moon, Elijah took Hope to see her mother on those occasions. She tells Freya about Richard Xavier Dumas, the man who killed her parents. Hayley grabs her daughter's body and lays her down on the couch. She tells him the wolves don't want to fight, they just want a better life. Hayley tells Lara her and Marcel won't hurt her, Hayley begs for help on helping Hope and stopping the Hollow. Watch in 1080p Like & Subscribe Leave ideas for videos in the comments! Klaus tells her that this is who they are. At first, she was against it and wanted to follow Elijah's treaty. Books; New . Hayley is horrified at this revelation and tells him to go outside, and she throws the lighter to the ground, lighting the laboratory up as she walks out. She thanks Klaus for his help on keeping Hope safe. Hayley tries to talk to Hope, knowing her daughter is trying to fight and resurface. The wolves tried to take over the city in the '90s and so he let a witch put the curse on them. They hug each other. The others include: Hayley is the eleventh werewolf to be seen killed by a witch and to die by a slit throat. Klaus points out that they have not been any good for her, that they abandoned her and that he is trying to keep her safe; by killing the werewolves the vampires will have less desire to kill her. Elijah feels only a bit remorseful being he didn't know who Hayley was at the time. atosa msf8307 parts, Spell which causes Elijah to stop dies in Hayley 's arms her passion... 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